| Read Time: 4 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

Can I Get a Pre-Settlement Loan Over $5,000?

When we were researching questions to answer for our clients and potential clients here on our website, we came across something interesting. People often search the phrase “pre settlement loans over $5,000”. This struck us as odd. After a bit more digging we found that this is one of the automatically suggested searches in Google when you start typing...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

Can You Guarantee Me Pre-Settlement Funding?

When searching for “guaranteed pre-settlement funding,” many hope to find companies that promise immediate financial relief. However, the reality is that no lender, including Nova, can guarantee funding without thoroughly evaluating your case. This article will explain why it is impossible to guarantee pre-settlement funding and what necessary information lenders like us need to determine your eligibility. Understanding Pre-Settlement...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

What Will the Interest Rate On My Lawsuit Loan Be? (Calculator)

Our Lawsuit Loan Interest Rates The average interest rate on our lawsuit loans is 4% per month. So, if you get a $10,000 advance, the 4% monthly interest comes out to $400 per month. If your case settles 12 months later, you will owe: $10,000 + ($400 x 12) = $14,800. Use the lawsuit loan calculator below to see...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

Can My Lawyer Deny Me From Getting a Pre-Settlement Loan?

However, the decision to seek a pre-settlement cash advance is always up to you. If you have more questions about the details of getting a pre-settlement loan please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff. We are happy to answer all of your questions without any pressure or obligation. Do I Need to Have a Lawyer in Order to...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

How Many Pre-Settlement Loans Can I Qualify For?

There are no rules or laws that prohibit lawsuit plaintiffs from getting more than one pre-settlement loan. If you have received pre-settlement funding already, but require access to more cash, you have every right to apply for more funding. A responsible pre-settlement loan company will evaluate the facts of your case and determine whether they can offer you an...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

Can I Borrow Money Against a Potential Lawsuit Settlement?

Is pre-settlement funding the same as borrowing money against your lawsuit settlement? The way pre-settlement funding works is it’s a non-recourse cash advance. This means that you, the “borrower”, are not obligated to pay back the funding if you don’t end up winning your lawsuit. In this way, you are not technically borrowing money against your lawsuit settlement. Rather,...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

How Long Can a Lawyer Hold Your Settlement Check?

When you finally reach a settlement, there are a few more things you and your lawyer need to do before the defendant gives your lawyer the check. Even so, once the check reaches your lawyer, there are a few obligations they must attend to before they give you the final balance. What Factors Delay My Settlement Check? Depending on...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident That Was Not My Fault?

If you suffer injuries in a car crash, you might need to visit the doctor, miss work, or have your car repaired to get your life back on track. Hiring a lawyer helps you pursue the compensation you deserve and avoid liability for the accident, making recovery easier. What to Do After a Car Accident That Was Not Your...

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| Read Time: 5 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

How is Personal Injury Compensation Paid Out After the Settlement?

Presenting a personal injury claim is not always a smooth process. There may be months of negotiations or a lengthy court battle. As you head toward the finish line, your case might be on the verge of settling. Or, if your case is in litigation, you might receive a jury award in your trial. Understandably, you are likely wondering...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Quick-Hit FAQs

How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take to Settle?

One of the biggest questions you might have if you want to pursue a personal injury case is: how long will it take to settle? This question usually comes up if you have an injury that prevents you from working or requires expensive treatment, leaving you struggling with medical bills, legal fees, and even basic living expenses. Here, we...

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