Nova Legal Funding (NLF) is a lawsuit loans company dedicated to advancing cash to women who suffered injuries due to transvaginal mesh and bladder sling procedures. If transvaginal mesh injuries caused you financial distress, consider applying for lawsuit loans for immediate cash relief.

As with any injury caused by a faulty product or procedure, the plaintiff is entitled to receive lawsuit loans against their product liability mesh case. Transvaginal mesh lawsuits are no different. Lawsuit loans have allowed thousands of women to receive a cash advance on their settlement. Instead of waiting for their case to settle, they were able to get the cash when they needed it most. NLF is here to help you financially until your mesh case is finalized.

Purpose of Transvaginal Mesh Products

Many women’s pelvic muscles weaken with older age. As a result of such weakening in the pelvic muscle, various complications often arise like pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. This was a known issue in the medical community for centuries. Transvaginal mesh or bladder slings were introduced in the 1990s to fix the problem. The procedure consisted of doctors inserting a synthetic mesh through the woman’s vagina in order to support the pelvic muscle and prevent further complications.

Transvaginal Mesh & Bladder Sling Manufacturers/Brands

The number of transvaginal mesh procedures that have taken place since the 1990s is astronomical. Since its introduction, hundreds of thousands of women have completed the procedure. The surgery was so profitable that several big pharmaceutical companies rushed into the space. Each company manufactured individual brands and products for doctors to utilize in surgery and treat their patients. The FDA approved many types of mesh products as the initial tests and reviews were positive.

Unfortunately, a substantial portion of women that went surgical suffered injuries only 3 months after the mesh was inserted into their bodies. This resulted in thousands of transvaginal mesh lawsuits against the manufacturers of the various types of mesh-related brands on behalf of the victims.

Transvaginal mesh & bladder sling manufacturers include:

  • Ethicon (a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson)
  • Endo Pharmaceuticals
  • American Medical Systems (AMS)
  • Coloplast
  • Bard Medical
  • Boston Scientific

Symptoms of Bladder Sling and Mesh Cases

As time went by since the introduction of bladder sling surgery in the 1990s, many started to report signs of internal pain and injury. Most doctors quickly found the cause to be mesh surgery. Complications from surgery included the following trends:

  • the mesh often erodes into the woman’s vagina
  • pain in vaginal area
  • serious infection
  • intercourse is painful
  • vaginal scarring
  • skin breakage
  • vaginal bleeding
  • vaginal shrinkage
  • excessive vaginal discharge

Such injuries could prevent you from working and earning a wage. Not only is your health in jeopardy in such a scenario, but you also risk losing financial independence. Newfound medical bills and other daily costs are hard to pay when your injuries stop you from working. Even if your attorney is confident he will win the largest possible recovery, litigating the lawsuit will take him/her a very long time. Relying on your future settlement payout is not a prudent course of action, as this process can take several years. The secure way to regain financial footing is by receiving lawsuit loans against your pending product liability or medical malpractice lawsuit case.


Nova Legal Funding has provided hundreds of women with lawsuit loans against their mesh procedure lawsuit. Our staff has underwritten countless mesh cases and is ready to help you as well. Pay nothing until your case settles, and only pay us back if you win your case. If you don’t win, you owe us nothing. The application process takes minutes, and you can get cash within 24 hours or less! Call Nova Legal Funding at 800-760-0704 for a free case evaluation today!